Thursday, May 14, 2009

why does the world hate us..

I'm a stay at home dad,I live in north carolina. I dont understand,why stay at home dads are looked down upon. WE do just as much as stay at home moms and we don't get reconized for what we do,Atleast until know when more an more pople are getting laid off or fired. but still we have a long way to go.
even more in north carolina,why are males unable to go to social services,
an apply for binafits for a family.but when a women goes an applyes they get more help. when we go to court an we tell the judge or the d.a. that we are stay at home dads we are judge by what we dont do rather then what we do. I know this first hand after dealing with both in north carolina,I have two sets of twins by my x-wife (common law) three boys an a girl,two years agothey were taken from my X
due to child abuse an neglect,an unsafe living conditions.I was living in south port north carolina,an was contacted by my brother telling me what happend,
not by social services but my brother, So i moved to raliegh to be with my kids,
my brother took them in instead of them going to foster care,an i moved in with him. why didnt i get them some who read this might ask, Well what was told to me,by social service was be cause i did not live in raliegh an plus i have another child,an also my wife has epalepsie,It was to much for us to handle...
so my childern stayed with my brother,along with me,while my wife an son stayed in south port. After a while(6 months) the children went back to there mother.
One condition,the person that abused my kids was not to be in the home.
After my children went home my wife an son moved to raliegh to be closer incase this happend agine, after another 6 months my wife had gotten a job offer in another city,A good job,so we moved cause every thing seemed to be going good with the kids, Not even two months later we get a call saying the kids were removed from her agine because she let the person move back in with her,
so once agine they were placed with my brother, an know we were back at sqaur one..but this time i could not just up an leave my family so i stayed were we had moved two..thats when i started fighting to have my childern come to stay with me an my family..For a whole year we fought with north carolina for my kids jumping through every hoop they threw our way.After jumping through them they stated to tell us outher things i had to do,because of my backround, No im not a crimanial, just screwed up, being stupid i guess.but i got through it, an know it was coming to bite me in the ass,during this time my wife was having issues whit her epalepsie,another medical probleams plus giving birth to my third set of twins.
so needless to say social service gave us more problems then we could handle,
Through all of this it was like i was being punished for what my X an her new husband did more then they were cause during all of this raliegh social services gave her all the help she needed an gave me none, yet they said they tryed they didn't, they gave me a crappie lawer to boot.What lawer asks there client"what do you want me to say to the judge" instead a lawer should know what to say all ready.
So i lost this fight,not from lack of trying but a lack of respect.. all because i stay home to raise the kids while my wife works.. So know social service wants child support,Yes you should pay child support,i do agree with that , but why should i be responcable for 40,000 worth of child support, its not fair to me or my wife cause not only did the state take my taxes this year but they also took my wifes know they are punishing her for this an not just me.....still to this day i can not go to social services to apply for any thing my wife has to take off work to do it...Whats wrong with north carolina.. my advice to any one who wants to move here,with simular situations...STAY AWAY they dont help... the only ones they do help are the eliegals an the minority(differnt words will make pople pissed off at me an i dont want that,cause the one thing i was saving for the end is this.
I'm a white male, my X was afro-american(black),i guess in north carolina thats a bad thing,,WHY how is it so differnt then a white female dating or marring a black male...mybe its because when i go to social services my rims dont spinn or there not 20's i dont get help or im not driving a benz or a lex.cause down here that what sits out side.pople with these kinds of cars,

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